Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Some words hurt us a lot

Se spune k in timp ne raman in amintire doar momentele frumoase, cele rele se sterg...
Insa uneori unele cuvinte menite sa ne faca sa suferim pe care timpul nu le poate sterge....unele dintre ele raman intiparite oata viatza...
Este foarte dureros k unele persoane foarte ajung sa ne dezamageasca...

Monday, November 21, 2005

A ramas doar o imensa durere...

To ce simt acum este un mare gol....o imensa durere...
Nu stiu dak lacrimile imi vor vindeca sufletul vreodata...dar cum zice vorba aia, timpul le rezolva pe toate, el inchide toate ranile....

Saturday, November 19, 2005

It hurts...

Chiar dak totul e numai in mintea mea....
chiar dak pt el nu inseamn nimic....
chiar si asa eu tot sufar....
I have to let him go...i have to say bye bye for ever...but it`s so hard...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

For someone....

.....who ued to be special...or still is?
she is for me a very special and important person, my so-called "best friend" and i choose to say so called because we aren1t close one to each other and that affects our relation...
when i am sad or i have problems i wish that this person woul be with me...and it`s hard when i realise that she is far away...
the certain thing is that the distance is very important enemy...who can kill friendships too(even though it isn`t my case)
Be happy and never look back, dear friend!prietenii stiu dc:)